Next Event: 6th April Ride Day

Committee Meetings: first Tuesday of the month, 6pm @ Shannons Offices

Club History

The Sports Riders Club of Tasmania The SRCT started in 1976 after separating from the STMCA (Southern Tasmanian Motor Cycle Association). The STMCA had started becoming more and more dirt…Read MoreClub History

SRCT Social Events

Upcoming Events: Previous Events: From 11 AM onwards, all members and families welcome. There will be a BBQ, liquid refreshments, ball games, as well as a visit from Santa who…Read MoreSRCT Social Events

Join the Club

Club memberships for the SRCT are now handled by Omni Sports Management, through a system called Ridernet.To sign up, first follow this link, or click on the Ridernet logo below…Read MoreJoin the Club

2025 Baskerville Dates

– 5th January Ride Day – 1st February Ride Day, 2nd February Race Day SRCT Club Championship Round 1 – 1st March Ride Day, 2nd March TRRS Round 1 –…Read More2025 Baskerville Dates

Volunteers & Officials

Volunteers and officials are an essential part of the Sports Riders Club of Tasmania (SRCT). Ride and race days would not occur if the various roles and positions were not…Read MoreVolunteers & Officials